Diagram showing the standard measurements and dimensions of a cricket pitch.

Information about cricket pitch size, its maintenance and different types of pitches used in international cricket is given here.

The cricket pitch is where cricketers play the game. It is a flat, rectangular area made of cut grass where the game takes place. It is the focal point where bowlers aim to bowl their lethal deliveries and batsmen attempt to score runs. The pitch holds secrets in its soil, determines the behaviour of the ball, and favours spinners or fast bowlers depending on its condition. Each pitch has its own unique characteristics, which affect the outcome of the game.

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Length of Cricket Pitch in Feet and Meters

The cricket pitch is a strip in the middle of the field, where the game is played. It is 22 yards long and 10 feet wide. The measurement in meters is approximately 20.12 meters in length and 3.05 meters in width. Usually, it is covered with short grass, but sometimes it can be dry, dusty soil with very little grass.

The bowling crease, which is 2.64 meters long, marks the end of the pitch on either side. There is a rectangular strip in the middle of the pitch, with imaginary lines running parallel to the popping crease on each side. This strip is called the ‘protected area’, where players are not allowed to enter, and it is approximately two feet wide.

Protected Areas on a Cricket Pitch

The “protected area” or “danger area” is in the middle of the pitch. It is a rectangular space, two feet wide, starting five feet from each popping crease. Bowlers are not allowed to step in this area during their follow-through to keep the game fair.

Bowlers are prohibited from stepping in the protected area because their follow-through can create rough patches around the crease. These rough areas can cause unpredictable bounce and turn, making it challenging for batsmen.

Umpires warn bowlers who violate this rule twice. If they do so a third time, the bowler is not allowed to bowl for the rest of the innings.

Main types of pitches in cricket

Pitches vary around the world, which affects cricket matches. The characteristics of the pitch are important, influencing team selection and performance. Generally, you will find three main types of pitches in international cricket.

Green pitch

A green pitch covered with grass, which is longer than usual, favors fast bowlers, as the ball swings and moves unpredictably off the surface. Bowlers can take advantage of the moisture and grass on the pitch to generate swing and seam movement, making it difficult for batsmen to play shots. Green pitches are common in countries like England and are best suited for the two longer formats of cricket.

Dry pitch

A dry cricket pitch lacks moisture, making it look dry and cracked. Dry pitches, found mostly in the subcontinent, are difficult for bowlers, as the ball does not bounce as much, making it easier for batsmen to score runs. However, spin bowlers may have an advantage as the game progresses, as a dry surface helps them grip the ball better, causing it to spin.

Flat pitch

A flat pitch has less grass and no cracks. The ball does not bounce or move unpredictably on such a pitch. This makes it easier for batsmen to play shots as they can predict how the ball will behave. Bowlers find it challenging to take wickets on a flat pitch as the surface does not offer much help. Matches played on flat pitches often produce high scores.

Maintenance of cricket pitches

The maintenance of a cricket pitch is done in the following manner.


Rolling improves the pitch by tamping down the soil, reducing the amount of grass and creating a smoother surface. This process ensures that the pitch behaves in a predictable way during play, allowing fair play for both batsmen and bowlers. The captain of the batting team may request the pitch to be rolled for seven minutes before each innings and at the start of each day’s play.

Maintaining the footholes

In the event of rain, umpires must ensure that the holes made by bowlers and batsmen are clean and dry to ensure play continues smoothly. In matches lasting more than two days, umpires may allow bowlers’ footholes to be repaired or to use quick-setting filling before each day’s play begins.


This is a preliminary step before rolling the pitch in cricket. It involves removing any debris from the surface of the pitch. This ensures that the rolling process does not cause damage or unevenness. The pitch is cleaned regularly, including before meals, between innings and at the start of each day’s play.

Securing the footholds

Umpires allow batsmen to beat the pitch with their bats using sawdust to secure their footholds. However, this is only permitted if it does not damage the pitch.


When groundskeepers place a cover on the pitch to protect it from rain or dew, it is considered a cover. This affects the behaviour of the ball when it arrives on the pitch, which can become a matter of dispute. Law 11 of the Laws of Cricket states that the pitch must not be completely covered during a match, unless this has been agreed. In bad weather, bowlers’ run-ups may be covered to keep them dry. If covers are used overnight, they are removed early each day before play.

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